Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My journey begins

Today was the beginning of the rest of my lung power. I could choose to go with the flow this time, which would mean I could just let my lung function decline as is the usual for all people who have Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a very decieving disease. For me, on the outside, I look the picture of health. I am 5'9.5" and weigh about 150lbs. I have great muscle tone, a very clear complexion, short brown hair and beautiful.  My measurements are 40", 31", 39". and I look like a model with the face of a home town girl. People often make comments about how well proportioned I am. Even stating. "You are so skinny, you make me sick." If they only knew. I tell you this description not to brag, but to give you the ability to see how different the outside look of a person can be from the actual inside of a person.

On the inside I am sick, my lungs are crap. In my 20's I had enough lung function to try-out for the Rams Cheerleaders and hold my own, now, at age 41, I can bearly walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. Sometimes just walking the distance from my office at school to the main office, about 75', I am huffing and puffing for air. It is so frustrating when I need to talk to someone and the person I am addressing has to wait for me to catch my breath. In my 20's my lung function was within the 60 to 70% range, which is by no means normal, but I was so active my lungs adapted easily to any activity in which I wanted to participate. Currently my lung function is 36%, significantly lower. My tolerance for activity has been significantly affected, but I will not give up. I will walk on and dance on.

My journey is going to be tough, a challenge like none I have faced before. The challenges in the past were simply a matter of getting it done because it was completely possible by effort alone. This time I cannot do this by effort alone as scarred and cystic lung tissue is permantantly damaged. It is going to take diligent-disciplined effort, and lots and lots of faith in the lord that he will restore that which only he can restore. God going to have to put a fire under my behind, and tell me daily to get off my pitty pot. I think my husband is God's messanger because every day for the past two weeks he has said to me, "Get off your pitty pot Nancy and get mov'n" We both love that line from Every Body Loves Raymond.

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