Friday, January 21, 2011

Free speech

Lungs give us the power to speak freely. The problem is we all take advantage of this power. By taking advantage I mean we over step boundaries, we take no consideration as to how our words will affect another person, and we use our speech in an attempt to boost our self-esteem while at the same time degrading someone else.

The lungs give us the ability to express our opinion; however, if someone else is going to impose their opinion on me and I listen, then they need to show the same courtesy. There are some who are so narrow minded, or should I say simple minded, that their vision is impaired as to be wearing horse blinders. These people bulldoze their way through a conversation, I mean lecture, and have no intention of issuing you the courtesy of a listening mind and of a reply. Instead of my generation being called the me generation, it should be call the entitlement generation. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is really no wonder our children are having a difficult time expressing themselves appropriately. There is no one to listen to them.

While waiting in the check-out line at the grocery store free speech was plastered all over the tabloids and magazine in the racks. I even read the headlines and subtitles. Our children see the gossip exuding all around them, and they watch us as we read the titles and watch us buy the printed gossip. It is no wonder our girls retaliate on facebook with slanderous accusations. We are giving them all the ammunition they need to prove this is how the world works. Sadly it does work this way. What needs to happen is not censorship of the tabloids or magazine, but we need to censor what we read, listen to, and say.  We need to consider how our words will affects others.  We need to set good examples.

We defined-all human beings

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