Saturday, January 15, 2011


This will be the only time I bore you with the details of my daily health routine. It is menotinous at best. I get extremely bored with the the routine, hence the reason I vear off the path and get myself into trouble. Mind you, I am diligent for the most part, but somedays I just wish I had healthy lungs. Some days I am ready to breath easy with a new set of lungs. Somedays I am ready to breath easy with my Lord. But everyday, EVERYDAY, this is what I do.
I get up at 5:30 AM to feed my 4 lovely munchin canines, Curly, Hally, Riley and Miley. By 6:00AM all have went outside to potty and returned to go back to sleep or nau on a bone. 6:30 to 7:45 I do my respitory therapy vest and 4 nedulized medications, and one inhaler. First I nedulize albuteral to open my airways, next I inhale two puffs of symbacort. I then wait 15 minutes for the symbacort to reduce the inflamation in my bronchial airways. After the 15 minute wait I put on my Smart Vest, a therapy vest which sends deep vibration into my chest to shake loose the sticky mucus. While wearing the vest I nebulize hyper saline solution to hydrate the mucus so it is easier to cough out. After 20-30 minutes of shaking and coughing I get to take off the vest. Then I nebulize pulmazyme and lastly tobi or cayston. The tobi and cayston are antibiotics that help to keep my lungs from being such a good environment for psuedomonis to grow. You think I'm done... Oh no.

8:00AM it's time to do the walking. I walk before I eat because I cough so much while walking and my diaphram is so strong from the couphing that I have a tendancy to throw-up what I have eaten. I walk for 40 minutes and increase my speed gradually to reach 3.00mph. After I am finished walking I stretch. Yoga is usually my stretching choose, but pilotes sounds interesting.

After I finish stretching I finally get to eat breakfast. My breakfast consist of protein, dairy, fruit, and a starch. A beagle and cream cheese or an english muffin with soft cheese like brie, three peices of crispy bacon, peanut butter and a bannan, glass of whole milk, a glass of berry blend juices mixed with orange juice, and coffee with flavored cream.

Oh I forgot, before I can eat I take enzymes-zenpep, vitamins-A, D, and AquaDEKs, zantac, azithromysyn, singular, and zytec. Then I can eat. If I don't take this before I eat, I won't get any nutrients from my food. Another perk to having CF is I can eat whatever I want and as much as I want and I won't gain a pound. Plus, I don't digest fat. This is the reason I can look so good on the outside, by be completely out of shape and unhealthy.

Let me tell you something about the word try. Try is just a word used to give someone the opportunity to back out. Try is the cop-out, the excuse word, the back-up word when you really didn't do anything. Try should be removed from everyone's vocabulary. I do not have the word try in my vocabulary. If it was in my vocabulary I can tell you I would not get my daily routine done any day of the week. There are lots of other things I would rather be doing and so I would make an excuse not to do it. But I would tell you I tried, because my mind was think'n about doing it, but my body just didn't take action. So if you really want to get something done, then do it. I mean how can you learn to drive a car if you don't get behind the wheel and actually drive the car. Yes, you may drive the car into the side of a builidng, or up on the curb, or you may drive done the correct side of the road. The point is you were driving, not trying to drive. If you drove the car into the side of a building, then you didn't drive so well, but you did drive.

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